Burkert 125302电磁阀




Burkert 125302电磁阀 基本信息






电源电压 24 V 交流;
端口: 2;
连接尺寸 1/4in液体、中性气体;
最大工作压力:10 bar 6013 系列;
NC预设阀门位置1/4 in G 内螺纹直接3mm;

Burkert Solenoid Valve

The Burkert 6013 series 1/4in G female solenoid valve has a supply voltage rating of 24VAC. This 2-port NC position valve is a vibration-proof, bolted coil system and has high-quality seal material FKM as standard. The stopper and plunger guide tube are welded together to enhance pressure resistance and leak tightness. The maximum opening and closing time of the valve is 20 milliseconds and 30 milliseconds. It is suitable with compressed air, natural gas, water and hydraulic oil.
Compact solenoid valves suitable for most gas and fluid handling applications. Where practical, valves are shown with a schematic diagram showing the (circuit) function. The diagram is laid out so that the left-hand side of the diagram describes the operation of the valve when the coil is energised. When the coil is de-energised, the spring (or servo-assist) return controls the valve and is described on the right-hand side of the diagram. The 3/2-way designation indicates a valve with three ports and two modes of operation. It is normal practice to refer to 2/2-way valves as two ways. The port designations A, B, P, P1, P2 and R are used on the schematic diagrams and are marked on the valve bodies. Valve bodies are marked for a specific circuit function but can often be used for other functions. Reference to the schematic diagrams and technical specifications indicates the appropriate connections and pressure capabilities when an alternative circuit function is required.

Features and Benefits

Maximum working pressure is 10bar
Brass body with polyamide coil
Coil can be changed easily with valve in place
Coil can be locked in four positions by 90° or move free in between, as required
Direct-acting and compact valve up to diameter of DN 6.0
Flow factor (Kv) is 0.23m³/h
Medium is only in contact with the valve internals and the body
Operating temperature is between -10°C and 55°C
Power consumption is 8W


Pneumatic control
Shut-off, dosing, filling and venting
Small-scale instruments, laboratory and measuring technology
Welding technology


IP65 rated

Burkert 125302电磁阀 品牌信息

德国宝德Burkert成立已经六十余年,一直致力于流体控制领域的产品和系统的研发、制造,专业从事过程产品,如burkert电磁阀,蝶阀,球阀,角座阀,止回阀,过滤器,气动驱动,burker传感器和控制器等生产销售。如今Burkert已发展成一个拥有三千多名员工、在德国和法国拥有五家生产厂、在全球四十多个国家和地区设立了分公司的跨国集团,成为流体控制系统领域的全球领先者。Burkert在长期的发展过程中,非常重视技术创新和新品开发。通过针对性的产品设计、现 代化和加工工艺、严格认真的质量检验和切实的市场预测,形成了以“通用电磁阀系统”“过程控制阀系统”“气动控制阀系统”“液体分析阀系统”以及“传感器/变送器”和 “控制器”为主体的六大系列产品。目前,Burkert专业化的流体控制系统产品已广泛应用于各行各业,尤其在水/污水处理、啤酒饮 料、食品加工、制药及医疗设备、消毒清洗、及纺织化工等领域更是有着极大的优势和广阔的市场前 景。而且在一些极端苛刻的工作情况下,如卫星、太空试验室、核反应堆及深海探测装置中, Burkert产品也显示了其精确性和可靠性。基于Burkert产品精巧的设计、卓越的性能和完善的服务,使其产品在流体控制领域始终处于领先地位。 Burkert生产的 “环氧树脂封装线圈”以及“电缆连接插头 ”已成为国际ISO质量标准。“先导衔铁电磁系统”“摇臂式电磁阀”及“脉冲 线圈”就是公司不断创新发展的最佳例证 Burkert主要产品范围包括: 电磁阀:水和中性介质、中性气体介质、腐蚀性介质、可达250巴的高压力、蒸汽高达180℃ 过程控制阀:波纹管阀门、隔膜阀、截止阀、角座阀、球阀、蝶阀、定位、控制头、气动执行器、电动执行器执行机构 驱动系统:先导阀、NAMUR阀、阀组、阀门单元和自动化系统、流量阀、截止阀压缩空气服务单元、气缸 传感器:称重传感器-OEM、流量传感器、液位传感器、压力传感器、分析传感器、温度传感器、气体监测微流量系统:用于中性介质的电磁阀、用于中性介质带隔离膜片的电磁阀、用于腐蚀性介质带隔离膜片的电磁阀、比例阀、微型泵质量流量控制器/比例阀控制器多位多通卫生型膜片阀

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